Captain sabre's carrd

Captain SabreBorn: February 14, 1700
Died: December 4, 1725
Height: 5'6 (both in life and in hell)
sexuality: Demi sexual straight

Sabre was born in London England, he had brown hair, and blue eyes.His dad, being a privateer, was always busy working at sea but when he had time he would try to bond with son.Sabre has gotten mostly his personality from dad, tough, yet kind to his friends, loves to show off and drink, at least he is a funny drunk.Sabre’s mother mostly looked after him, teaching him to walk and read. During this time England was ruled by King George the first, lots of diseases and a very high infant mortality rate.Sabre was lucky he was born alive, but unfortunate to live in a poor condition, which forced him by the age of five to start stealing, which was influenced by his mother.Neither parent was perfect though, he has been slapped, spanked by both his parents whenever he was bad in their eyes, forced to work labor on the field especially to get hos strength up in time to sail with his dad, and taught to sword fight, of course even with a wooden sword he did cut himself.Right before leaving to sea with his dad, sabre took into classes of mechanics (like clocks) and some astronomy, which will help him in navigation.

Once Sabre was 14, he would join his father’s adventures, sailing out to the Caribbean to trade and sell goods, which he thought must be a better way of life than in England but not really.Sleeping in itchy hay, getting scurvy, and having his arm lost in a sword fight fending off their loot was awful, but he would tough it out, after all the sea is his home now, and that is enough to make him happy, anything to make dad proud!Of course no adventure at sea is smooth sailing, sabre has been in fights with his own crew, abused for being seen a favorite because father's son, which his dad ignored, called ugly, unlovable and beaten up. But he had no choice since he was stuck, afraid his dad would banish him if he disobeyed and abandoned ship.When sabre lost his virginity, he didn't feel anything, as he was peer pressured into having sex with a sex worker, he wanted to keep it for a special partner in his life and someone he felt romantic attraction to.

Due to his father becoming too old to sail, planning to retire at 40, which was rare at the time, sabre being 18 was ready to take over as command.He would get a blue cape, wear a white shirt with black pants and boots, he also wore gloves to hide his hand, which was now just a mechanical claw.During his first few months they would sail as merchants, fending off their goods, and sinking competition, it wasn’t until he heard from some sailors, which were most likely pirates, how much they got sinking the navy and other ships.This is where he would turn over to become a pirate. His father soon passed after and was sent on to the sea grave, a tradition all sailors have when a one dies at sea. He also started to wear an eyepatch at this time just to improve his hand eye coordination.7 years have passed, and sabre has now grown a reputation, he went from owning a little sloop to a Brigantine, which he found was perfect.After stealing it off from some Spanish during a hurricane, he crowned it the great bull, It’s figurehead presenting that of a bull shark.He has been sinking ships, and collecting loot, and his crew could not be more honored than be under his flag.Sabre would soon be joining his father, as chasing a ship for months north to Canada would soon be his demise.Getting baited into a field of icebergs during December, and unable to see them in the mist of night, sabre’s ship is sunk, trapping him on a float piece of driftwood, before dying from hypothermia.

When Sabre manifested, hell was not as bustling as it is today, in fact, it was dark, only lit by torches, and had many medieval buildings.The tallest thing there was of course lucifer’s castle, as not even the clock tower was made.Sabre of course was still in his attire, but now it was torn, his face is blue, and his beard is on fire.He was scared of course at first, and didn’t trust a soul, until he ran into a familiar face. whom would become his mentor in hell, black beard.they would talk together, form an alliance and start to cause havoc hell together, what fun!he soon learnt from his death he can control ice, well at least he was cold, shoots ice pallets (bullets) and make an icy blade, which just made his sword look more glossy.
He could also form a sheet of ice on ground and make people slip, like a Midas touch but ice.
He felt powerful, he felt at home and one of the strongest like this, at least for a century until the industrial revolution.1800’s: Steam is starting to become popular; tech is starting to be born and the sinners’ population is starting to grow. There are sinners who have steam like power, inventors bring stronger tech the likes sabre has never seen and wasn’t too long before electricity.Sabre, not wanting to fall behind like the other stubborn old fossils decides to buy into whatever they bring, from new guns to new ships, and even explosives like hand grenades!The only thing he never changed was his style, he liked it, it felt he suits too well to the turn of the 1900's, the ocean is pride which was mostly a lake, was drained and replaced by concrete. His ship turned into flying ship like pentious'.1900’s: He saw the clock being built, many sinners die, and managed to survive every extermination. He also saw the likes of al manifest, which just blew his mind one was so strong, and vox, he got both radio and TV, the moment anime came he got obsessed with one piece or the hell equivalent of as well deadliest catch.